Articles with the tag

1st Jun 2017
Art Project with Sandalford Special School
Last month our annual art link with the Swifts Class in Sandalford continued with selected pupils from Dunfane Campus meeting up with The Swifts at the Giant’s Causeway to look at the rock formations and get to know one another. Day 2 saw the Swifts along with their teacher Miss O Connor and LSA Karen, […]
1st Jun 2017
Transition 10
This years’ Transition 10 programme saw our Year 10 pupils along with Mr Fitzpatrick and Mrs O Connor visit a wide range of industries to learn about the world of work. Among the places included were Tesco, Norbev, Mc Atamney’s Meat Processing Plant, Big Al’s Pizza and The Merchant Fish Restaurant. The pupils learnt a […]
31st May 2017
Secondary Departments Sports Day
We held a fantastic final sports day at the Fry’s Road Site on May 31st. Thank you to all our parents, carers and friends who came along to support. The pupils all tried very hard and there was a great competitive spirit to the whole event. Mr Murphy as always had everything organised to perfection and […]22nd May 2017
Parent Training Courses
The following courses are scheduled for parents and will take place at the Dunfane Campus. Claire Smyton, Learning Support Centre Manager and Specialist Teacher for Autism at the Middletown Centre for Autism will teach the courses. ‘Autism and Life skills’ on Thursday 1st June from 11 a.m. – 12.30 p.m. and ‘Autism and anxiety’ […]
22nd May 2017
All Stars “Shine” Celebration
Well done to 8A on completing a ten week programme designed by Barnardo’s Northern Ireland in partnership with Mencap to prevent young people engaging in behaviours that will put their health and wellbeing at risk. On Friday 19th May 8A were joined by their parents and co-ordinators Laura and Christine from Barnardo’s to celebrate their […]
18th May 2017
Year 12 Work Experience at Acceptable Enterprises in Larne
Six pupils from our current Year 12 group have had the opportunity to complete a day per week work placement with Acceptable Enterprises Ltd (Larne) and they have been given the chance to gain hands on training in a wide variety of areas. This allows the pupils to mix with current clients and work in […]
17th May 2017
Class 4 Studying the Life Cycle of a Butterfly
Class 4 have been learning about the lifecycle of the caterpillar. We have been enjoying the story of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. We have made lots of different caterpillar crafts in Art. In cookery we made caterpillars using apples, cheese and strawberry laces! Last week we had a tasting session to try the foods the […]
17th May 2017
Post 16B Trip to Coca Cola World
Post 16 B visited Coca Cola World and got a great tour of the processing plant. We learned lots of facts about Coca Cola including finding out about the secret x ingredient. We all held the secret x ingredient and some of us wanted to steal it. There was a great pupil interactive area that […]
15th May 2017
Ballymena Nursery Schools 50th Anniversary
Earlier this year Mrs O Connor and Castle Tower pupils were invited to take part in the creation of a ceramic mural to celebrate Ballymena Nursery School’s 50th anniversary. A group of 7 pupils were chosen to work at The Braid with ceramic artist Trevor Woods. Pupils from Camphill and St Benedicts Schools were also […]14th May 2017