
Articles with the tag

22nd Oct 2019
Agriculture Students
Castle Tower Agricultural students looking at the cattle and sheep facilities which they will feed the livestock in during the winter months as part of their agricultural course. The students examined the various livestock which they will carry out their ‘animal husbandry’ element of the agricultural course. Our students visited local suppliers and services used […]
23rd Sep 2019
Fun in Primary 1
Our new P1s have had a very busy month settling into their new class and getting to know the other children and staff in their classroom. We have welcomed P1 pupils who attended the nursery last year and some children who are new to the school. They have all been having lots of fun exploring the […]
23rd Sep 2019
The Prince’s Trust
Post 16B along with the other Post 16 classes took part in The Prince’s Trust Exercise course in June. They had a great week of fun and learning cool sports skills too! Check out the happy faces as they receive their certificates. Well done everyone!
23rd Sep 2019
First days at nursery
We want to extend a great big warm welcome to our new nursery children at Castle Tower! They have all got off to a great start and have really loved their first days. It is sure to be a fun filled year!
16th Sep 2019
Post 16 Costa Trip
Post 16A have had a great start to the year. They have been working hard on their life skills modules. Here they are enjoying a trip to Costa Coffee shop on Friday!
3rd Jun 2019
Wildlife Trust Grass Roots
Post 16B are enjoying the 5 week Grass Roots Project funded by the Wildlife Trust. Pupils have completed a school garden survey, planted seeds, made fat balls for birds and gone bird watching. We look forward to the visit of a Barn Owl this week. Thanks to Christine for all your hard work.    
20th May 2019
Two gold medals!
We are very proud of Neave who recently won two gold medals at the Dwarf Sports Association UK National Games. The Dwarf Sports Association has chapters all over the UK; Neave is part of the Northern Ireland chapter. Neave meets several times a year with her chapter and every first weekend in May the DSA […]
20th May 2019
Castle Tower School Summer Fair 2019
All are welcome to our Summer Fair on Thursday 30th May. Come along from 6.30-8.30pm and enjoy a fun filled evening for all the family. We look forward to seeing you there!    
13th May 2019
Sharing from the Start
The Nursery have been having lots of fun with their Sharing from the Start project! This year they have been meeting up with Ballymena Nursery and First Steps Preschool to play together. They have made so many new friends!    
7th May 2019
Belfast City Marathon
A huge congratulations to Wendy for running her 15th marathon in Belfast on Sunday. What an amazing achievement – you’re a star Wendy! Wendy ran the marathon in aid of Castle Tower PFSA. Thank you to all those who donated!