Articles with the tag

19th Aug 2019
Hire of Facilities
Application forms for the Private Hire of Facilities can be obtained from the school office as from 20/08/19, completed forms to be returned to school no later than 30/08/19 for consideration.
7th Nov 2018
A Tribute to Linda Kerr
Linda started working in the primary department of Dunfane School in 2005 . When Castle Tower School opened in 2007 she continued in the Dunfane site primary department for many years. Later she transferred to the secondary department and worked with year 8 and 9 form classes where she nurtured the pupils and teachers in […]
6th Sep 2018
Tribute to Dr Robert Coulter
It is with great sadness that we must inform you that our much loved Chair of Governors Dr Robert Coulter passed away late last night. Our whole school community mourns the loss of this remarkable man who had a huge heart for all of our young people and who dedicated himself to getting the very […]
27th Jul 2018
Private Hire of Facilities
Application forms for the Private Hire of Facilities can be obtained from the school office as from 24/08/18, completed forms to be returned to school no later than 07/09/18 for consideration.
25th Jan 2017
Castle Tower gets hurled in!
It definitely was an art attack at Castle Tower School in Ballymena. Ten enthusiastic young pupils took part in an art project with a difference. What do you do with hurling sticks, produced by our local Économusée artisan Scullion Hurls, if they just don’t pass Michael’s very high standards? You paint them! And that’s just […]
9th Jan 2017
Exciting Christmas in the Primary Department
We have had an exciting month of December with an Irish Music workshop and a visit from Santa. Class 6C wrote letters to Mrs Clause asking her questions about Santa and his reindeer and we got a special delivery from the North Pole. Class 6M and 6C have a lovely time at the RDA’s Christmas […]
6th Jan 2017
Colourful New Building
For the first time the majority of the new building for Castle Tower School is no longer covered in scaffolding. The colourful towers dominate the design with bright white render and grey framed windows. The carpark spaces are complete and the tarmac road surfaces will be poured soon. On the inside the building continues to […]30th Nov 2016
Nursery, Class 1 and Class 2 Christmas song
Below is a link to the “out of the ark” website where you can click and listen to a short preview of the “Down In Bethlehem” song which nursery, class one and class two are singing for the primary Christmas performance on 16th Dec. http://www.outoftheark.co.uk/the-niki-davies-christmas-collection.html?category_id=239
23rd Nov 2016