News & Events

‘Cutting the First Sod’ Celebration

5th Nov 2015

The 4th November 2015 was a very special day for Castle Tower School. The Education Minister John O’Dowd and other invited guests attended a ‘Cutting the First Sod’ event to celebrate the fact that the long awaited new school build was now well underway. It was a fantastic morning with input from our pupils (including a speech from Shannon Macnally) the Architect (Mr Arthur Sloan from Isherwood and Ellis) the current and previous Chief Executives from the North Eastern Region (Mr Barry Mulholland and Mr Shane McCurdy) the contractor Felix O’Hare (Mr Gerry Grey Managing Director) and our Chair of Governors Dr Robert Coulter. Dr Coulter thanked the Minister for helping  turn the dream of the new school into a ‘concrete reality’. Everyone who spoke commented on how much this new building will mean for our pupils with all of its facilities and state of the art resources. The morning very much captured the spirit of ‘Team Castle Tower’ with everyone working together to get the very best for our young people. At long last the building has begun and in September 2017 our pupils will have the school building that they deserve and that they can be really proud of.

Make sure you keep checking our website for updates on the progress of the new build!

Link to UTV new story :



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