Key Stage 3 and 4
In the Post-Primary Department the following Areas of Learning are covered;
- English
- Mathematics (including Financial Capability)
- Learning for Life and Work (including the subject strands of Personal Development, Home Economics, Local and Global Citizenship and Employability)
- The Arts (including the subject strands of Art and Design, Music and Drama)
- Environment and Society (including the subject strands of Geography and History
- Science and Technology (including the subject strands of Science and Technology and Design
- Religious Education
Across Key Stages 1 to 3, the Curriculum is delivered through a Thematic Approach. This ensures the teaching and learning is meaningful and relevant. Contextualised learning is seen to be more relevant and practical to pupils and they learn through activities that are engaging and enjoyable. Delivering the Curriculum thematically enables a variety of learning styles to be addressed, thus the needs of individual children are met and they are able to learn in a way that is most appropriate to them.
Where appropriate, pupils study for E.L.Q (Entry Level Qualifications) in Key Stage 4. A number of pupils also study GCSE Art and Design and there are opportunities provided through the Ballymena Learning Community for pupils to attend local post-primary schools and undertake GSCE examinations in subjects such as English, Mathematics and Science.
Both the Loughan and Dunfane Campuses have multi-purpose halls which are used for P.E, shows, weekly assemblies and other events. Beechgrove pupils use the Dunfane hall when required. All Campuses have library areas which have a diverse range of subject-specific books, fiction, and non-fiction and reference titles for all ages from Foundation to Post-16. Pupils in the Primary and Secondary departments enjoy visiting and using the library as part of their literacy, English and Topic work lessons where they have time to listen to stories, read, borrow books or research titles.
In the Dunfane Campus there are a number of subject specific rooms:
- Technology and Design
- Home Economics
- Art and Crafts
- Music
- Science