Life after School
Across Castle Tower, much emphasis is placed on preparing pupils for life after they leave school.
Pupils cover aspects of employability through the ‘Learning for Life and Work’ curriculum in Key Stages 3 and 4. As they progress through school, they are given opportunities to investigate post-school options.
For pupils in the Dunfane Campus, a personal action plan outlining pupil’s career opportunities is drawn up by their form teacher in Year 10. They meet individually with the Careers Advisor and following a further meeting with all interested parties including parents, a way forward is agreed for them.
The Careers Advisor works closely with pupils and staff across the campuses. Close links have been developed with Adult Centres to ensure their staff are aware of all issues concerning pupils. In addition, the Day Opportunities Advisor will meet with pupils in the school leavers’ classes and where appropriate, discuss packages available to them. Meetings are arranged with parents and if appropriate, pupils will participate in a supported employment placement while they are in school.
Effective partnerships have been developed with the Northern Regional College to ensure pupils who are transferring there become familiar with the organisation. In Year 11, a number of pupils attend the Northern Regional College for Occupational Studies courses. Pupils also attend the NRC for Art, Cookery, and Life Skills at Post-16 level.
Other relevant activities include visits to the Northern Regional College to look at available courses and a programme called Transition 10. During this programme pupils spend 3 days visiting various places of employment to give them a better understanding of the world of work.
Where appropriate, every effort is made to secure work placements for pupils in year 12 and above. Use is also made of opportunities within school to provide pupils with work based learning. Pupils frequently assist the caretakers, canteen staff, and are given roles and responsibilities.