Dependent on their statement, pupils can avail of Post-16 placements in both the Dunfane and Loughan campuses. The emphasis of Post-16 provision is to prepare students for life after school and the curriculum followed helps to develop their independence, and awareness of areas such as citizenship, careers and self-management. Where appropriate, pupils can also avail of a suitable work experience placement. Pupils follow the ASDAN Accreditation Scheme which offers many modules to choose from including Using Transport, Current Affairs, Citizenship and the Environment. Through these modules, students learn about what is going on in the world around them, how to use public transport and activities and services available to them in their locality. These modules have provided a platform for students to get out into the community to extend theory in practice. All post 16 classes attend the NorthernRegional College one day per week for courses including Practical Cookery, Art and Design and Life Skills.
Practical activities such as trips to a variety of settings help to facilitate the development of social skills. Pupils learn how to behave appropriately in a range of situations and care for the world around them.
Pupils access a range of physical activities. Walking, football coaching sessions, tag rugby, golf, bowling and fun sports are enjoyed and are combined with healthy lifestyle awareness programmes.
Post-16 provision at Castle Tower provides learning opportunities for pupils to gain many life skills experiences in order that they become more well-rounded, confident and independent individuals. They are able to do so in a safe and fun environment where their contributions are very much valued.