News & Events

New Build has Started!

1st Oct 2015

Felix O’Hare & Co Ltd were awarded the contract to construct the new building for Castle Tower School designed by Isherwood and Ellis Architects.

The site which is located behind The Seven Towers Leisure Centre was cleared at the start of September and the building foundations have started!

WP_20150907_003[1] Taken on 07-09-2015 WP_20150907_004[1] Taken on 07-09-2015 WP_20150914_001 photo taken 14-09-2015 diggers at reduced levels 2 story section WP_20150915_001 Photo taken 15-09-2015 shows diggers reducing levels along the footprint of the 2 story building. WP_20150928_005 Photo taken 28-09-2015 shows foundation excavation and trench fill within section 2  K S 1 wing and  K  S 2 wing WP_20150930_002 Photo taken 30-09-2015 shows excavated foundation ready to recieve lean mix concrete in section 2 KS 1 and  2 wing