On Wednesday 22nd October, the whole Secondary department of the school made their way to 2nd Broughshane Presbyterian Church hall for our annual Prize Day.
The hall was packed with expectant pupils and their parents as well as a number of invited guests, including the Mayor, Cllr Billy Ash, members of the Board of Governors, Graham Ogle, one of the architects of the new school and our Guest of Honour, Tara Mills from the BBC.
After a welcome from Dr Coulter, chairman of the Board of Governors; Mr McFeeters put on a bright yellow hard hat and talked about the new build which means that, after eight years, it really is happening.
Four pupils, Shannon, Rebecca, Peter and Josh spoke about their wishes for the new school.
But the main point of the day was the presentation of certificates and trophies to the pupils and what an array of silver-wear there was to give out.
Although the pupils are told which certificates they are going to receive, the names of the winners of the cups and shields are a closely guarded secret until the event itself. So each winner was greeted with whoops of delight and prolonged applause.
Awards for attendance, specific subjects, courage, contribution to school life are just some of the prizes on offer and each winner received their cup or shield from Tara Mills who was a real hit with everyone.
Now there is just one more Prize day in Broughshane before we move into the new Castle Tower. Watch this space.