We are offering ALL children and young people at Castle Tower a full in-school vision check. This is part of a new research project being done by vision and education researchers at Ulster and Queens Universities. We want to find out more about how children in special education see and how vision affects their classroom work.
After we assess your child/young person’s vision you will get a detailed report describing what we’ve discovered about how your child/young person sees.
Lots of children on the Loughan Campus have already taken part and we hope to involve as many of the Dunfane pupils as possible after Christmas.
EVERYONE CAN TAKE PART. Our tests and games are really simple and we don’t mind if your child can’t do all of them. If your child/young person already wears glasses or has regular eye tests we are also keen to see them.
Please fill in the form that the teacher has put into your child/young person’s school bag and return it to the school office.
If you would like any more information please contact Emma on 028 7012 3650.