Articles with the tag

23rd Mar 2018
World Book Day 2018
For World Book Day 2018 the primary department dressed up as their favourite book characters. Our pupils even got to meet the Gruffalo!
23rd Mar 2018
Sensory Classes
People Who Help Us This term the sensory classes learnt about lots of different people in the community who help us. We are very thankful for the great work that the Healthcare, Police and Fire Services do to help keep us safe and healthy. The Police Service of Northern Ireland and the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service came to visit us. Our pupils loved […]
9th Mar 2018
Secondary Assembly – World Kindness Day
World Kindness Day On 5th March our secondary pupils celebrated World Kindness Day in assembly. They were encouraged to have a positive attitude and share a smile with those they meet! February: Pupil of the Month Here are our fantastic students who received Pupil of the Month certificates.
27th Feb 2018
Children’s Hospice
In 8B’s assembly this week, Castle Tower celebrate the great fund raising efforts of the school which were organised by the School Council and Mrs O’Neill. Last term we held a fund raising afternoon in which all classes participated in an activity to raise money for the Children’s Hospice, our charity for this year. The school raised […]
27th Feb 2018
8As Copper Collection
Class 8A and Parents and Friends NEED your help! We plan to collect as many coppers as we can between now and June. We aim to display the words CASTLE TOWER in writing and then take an aerial picture which we will put on the web site. All the money raised will go towards an end of term […]
23rd Feb 2018
Ulster Museum Art Trip
On Thursday 8th of February year 11 and 12 ELQ students when to Ulster Museum to view the true colours exhibition and visit the museum. They had a great day and viewed some interesting and some not so interesting works of art, to help inspire their visual enquiry pages and final pieces. They looked at a few […]
23rd Feb 2018
Staff Health and Wellbeing Session
On Monday 5th March staff in school attended a Wellbeing session organised by Mrs McCaughan. Activities included aerobics, yoga, a makeup session, an ECO walk, games sessions, sports hall activities, Mindfulness sessions and many more. Thanks to the facilitators who provided the sessions. It was a great afternoon and allowed the staff to use the facilities […]
7th Feb 2018
Class 1H having lots of fun!
In Nursery we have had lots of fun playing in the snow, we made a snowman with Class 1H7th Feb 2018
Assemblies in Castle Tower
In Castle Tower we hold school assemblies every week. This is a chance for the pupils to come together to celebrate achievements and learn about different things. In January Claire Caulfield came to talk to us about the charity Braveheartsni which she founded in 2014. She talked about the need for resources for teenagers with congenital heart […]
7th Feb 2018