
Articles with the tag

12th Jan 2018
International Project and ‘Amazing the Space’ Peace project
Our Year 10s have been working very hard on a Peace Stones project.  Schools across Northern Ireland created Peace Pledges last year as part of a movement to promote peace across the country.  This year the schools are involved in living out their Peace Pledge.  Our Year 10s decided on creating peace stones to be […]
4th Dec 2017
Radio Cracker Comes to Castle Tower
In school we enjoyed a brilliant assembly organised by Mrs Corsby and Mr McAlister when we learned about Radio Cracker. We were told so much about the radio station that runs in Ballymena over the Christmas period and how it continues to raise money for worthy projects across the globe. Our school choirs will be broadcasting on the […]
4th Dec 2017
Year 8 Positive Behaviour Reward
Year 8 Positive Behaviour Reward All year 8 have been working on a Class DOJO positive behaviour system. Each class had to collect 100 points which they achieved therefore were rewarded with a trip to the cinema. They had a great time. Where will year 8’s next treat be…….!  
4th Dec 2017
Eco-Schools Green Flag
This week Castle Tower School were awarded their Eco-Schools Green Flag! This is a globally recognised award and pupils and staff are thrilled to have their environmental work recognised in the first term of our new school and grounds. Very well done to all particularity Mrs Bristow and the ECO Team who worked so hard […]
24th Nov 2017
Ruby Powell
It was with much sadness that we heard our wee pupil Ruby Powell passed away at the weekend. Ruby was a special girl and brought much joy to those who had the privilege of caring for her. She enjoyed school life and spending time in the company of other pupils and staff. In particular, Ruby […]
22nd Nov 2017
Playsport NI returns to Castle Tower
The coaches at Playsport NI returned this year to our brand new build and were immediately impressed by our outstanding facilities which are used by both Ballymena United and Carniny Youth Academies. The children have been very excited for the coaches to return, many of the primary School team who recently got to the final […]
20th Nov 2017
Prize Day in Castle Tower
Our annual Prize Day took place in October. It was very exciting to host the event in our new school and it was a great success. Our guest speaker was Ruth Gorman, the sports presenter from UTV. She is such a busy lady, and we were so grateful to her for making the time to […]
20th Nov 2017
10A and 10B pupils visiting Stormont
Our pupils had a tour of the building and were very impressed with the Great Hall. They took part in a debate in the chamber ‘ Say no to school uniforms’. We had a great debate with a good range of arguments presented. The conclusion was that the majority agreed with wearing school uniforms. Pupils […]
15th Nov 2017
World Kindness Day
Year 11’s assembly this week was on World Kindness Day. It made us all aware of the benefits of being kind and Year 11 delivered the message very clearly to us. Well done Mr Murphy and Year 11A
15th Nov 2017
Pupil of the Month Awards
  Congratulations to the pupils who were awarded the Pupil of the Month Award for September and October. The certificates were awarded on Monday at the Secondary Department assembly.