
Articles with the tag

9th May 2017
IFA Primary Football Tournament
Castle Tower finished 3rd in the IFA Primary football tournament. The pupils were fantastic and didn’t lose a match. We went out on penalties and came 3rd in the playoffs. This was a great example of teamwork within the school. Congratulations to the team, Mr Murphy, Wendy, Matthew McMaster (a year 12 pupil), Mo McDowell (coach) and Mr […]
9th May 2017
Year 8 Trip to Carrickfergus Castle
We started our day off in Carrickfergus Park and had so much fun on a zip line, pirate ship, trampoline and swings. Then, in the glorious sunshine, we had an excellent tour around the Castle grounds. Pupils had the opportunity to try on armour before visiting the Keep, and Banqueting Hall followed by lunch outside. […]
4th May 2017
Big Eat Fund Raiser
Please come along to the BIG EAT on Thursday 11th May. This is an event run by Parents and Friends. See poster for details.
4th May 2017
Castle Tower Cross Country Teams
Congratulations to the boys and girls cross country teams who came second and third in the inter schools cross country race. Well done to Ethan who came second in the boys race.
4th May 2017
Year 8 Citizenship Project
Year 8 took part in an overseas project with a school in Brazil working on the same Citizenship topics- ‘What Makes Me Happy’ and ‘Fiesta’. Pupils watched videos about children in other parts of the world and discussed their lives compared to ours. Our pupils then produced a workbook for each unit, with artwork and […]
11th Apr 2017
Nursery Activities in Castle Tower
Here are some pictures of the Nursery pupils and what they get up to in class. They are an amazing group of pupils who are always learning new things and keeping busy.
11th Apr 2017
Key Stage 3 visit to the Odyssey Cinema Belfast.
    Former teacher, Mrs McBride, entered an on-line competition last year. She thought that Castle Tower staff and pupils are so great that she named us in the competition. As a result she came second place and the school won a trip to the cinema in the Odyssey. A group of pupils went to the […]
10th Apr 2017
Toyota Fund for a better tomorrow
The great news that we have been successful in our application for funding for a garden project to the value of £875  was received on Friday 31st March. This money will be used to purchase flowers, plants and vegetables for sale at Christmas and Summer Fair next year. Congratulations to Mrs Bristow who made the application and […]
2nd Apr 2017
Primary visit to Woodhall Outdoor Pursuits Centre
From Monday 27th to Wednesday 29th March 10 members of Castle Tower’s Primary department enjoyed a fun filled few days at Woodhall Residential Centre in Kilrea. The pupils had the opportunity to take part in team building games, high ropes such as ‘Human Jenga’ and ‘Leap of Faith’, archery, orienteering and canoeing. A great time […]