Articles with the tag

6th Feb 2017
Work Skills Show Case at Antrim Forum
On Wednesday 25th January Year 12, TC and P16C attended the Workskills Showcase meeting in the Antrim Forum. This was held to give parents and pupils the opportunity to talk informally to agencies which might offer that extra support needed when leaving school. It was a chance to meet up with other parents/carers and chat […]
6th Feb 2017
8A Assembly
8A have talent. 8A have decided to enter a joke competition. They read their joke out in secondary assembly and we had special judges. Our winning joke was from Leah Surgenor. Well done 8A. 1. Why are teddy bears never hungry? Because they are always stuffed 2. What does the snowman eat? An iceburger
29th Jan 2017
Parents Evening Classes
Relax Kids aim is to make mindfulness deliverable to children of all ages – using well known fairytales for the younger children, and engaging exercises for the older children. They can be delivered in any classroom to any size of group. The sessions feature mindfulness and sensory awareness exercises, physical and mental relaxation, peer and […]
29th Jan 2017
Class 7 learn about the Titanic
Class 7 have been learning about the Titanic over the past weeks. We have looked at many aspects from the background of the ship to it’s sinking – including a very heated debate on who was at fault for the sinking! We have also enjoyed making our own versions of the Titanic out of junk […]
23rd Jan 2017
Post 16 visit Antrim Civic Centre
Post 16B enjoyed a day out in Antrim, visiting the Antrim Civic Centre where pupils learned how people get elected to the council. This is part of what pupils are learning in class about voting and expressing your opinions and the right we have to vote. They also enjoyed a beautiful walk in Castle Gardens. […]
13th Dec 2016
Secondary Christmas Assembly
The Secondary Department Christmas Assembly was once again a beautiful service. Miss Knipe, our fantastic Music teacher, made sure that the choir and readers did a great job. Many parents and friends attended and we thank them very much for supporting the school in this way. Mr McCann presented the Pastoral Cup, for the first […]
11th Dec 2016
Parents and Friends Christmas Party
On Thursday 8th December the Parents and Friends Association ran a Christmas Party for the parents and pupils. It was a huge success and a large crowd of people came along and had a great time. Santa was there and that created a lot of excitement. The photographs show some of the activities and captures the […]
11th Dec 2016
SEE Project Details
We are offering ALL children and young people at Castle Tower a full in-school vision check. This is part of a new research project being done by vision and education researchers at Ulster and Queens Universities. We want to find out more about how children in special education see and how vision affects their classroom […]
8th Dec 2016