
Articles with the tag

30th Nov 2015
S McAfee & Son raise £1500 for Castle Tower
A huge thanks to all the staff at S McAfee & Son in Ballymena who raised an amazing £1500 for Castle Tower by holding a sponsored carwash. Also thanks to everyone who attended on the morning with their dirty cars for their financial support! The money raised will be used as a contribution towards the […]
5th Nov 2015
‘Cutting the First Sod’ Celebration
The 4th November 2015 was a very special day for Castle Tower School. The Education Minister John O’Dowd and other invited guests attended a ‘Cutting the First Sod’ event to celebrate the fact that the long awaited new school build was now well underway. It was a fantastic morning with input from our pupils (including […]
23rd Oct 2015
Secondary Prize Day 2015
On Wednesday 22nd October, the whole Secondary department of the school made their way to 2nd Broughshane  Presbyterian Church hall for our annual Prize Day. The hall was packed with expectant pupils and their parents as well as a number of invited guests, including the Mayor, Cllr Billy Ash, members of the Board of Governors, […]
1st Oct 2015
New Build has Started!
Felix O’Hare & Co Ltd were awarded the contract to construct the new building for Castle Tower School designed by Isherwood and Ellis Architects. The site which is located behind The Seven Towers Leisure Centre was cleared at the start of September and the building foundations have started!
28th Jun 2015
Out of School Learning at its’ best!
Over the past number of weeks a group of Year 9 pupils from Castle Tower School, Ballymena and the Swifts class from Sandelford School, Coleraine have been working together on a Cross-Schools art project. The project was entitled “Under The Sea” and tied in with both groups’ seaside themed learning topics for the Summer term. […]
24th Jun 2015
Staff Raise £2860 for Disability Sport NI
Staff completed the Belfast Marathon to raise money for Disability Sport and our very own Wendy who completed the London Marathon to raise money for Friends of Cancer Centre. The team raised a staggering £2860 so well done to all who took part. Pictured below are the team and some pupils who presented the big […]
15th Jun 2015
STEAM Days at Dunfane
Years 10, 11 and 12 took part in various STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Maths) days during the summer term. Ted from from the STEAM team visited school and run various activities including rocket launching and junior apprentice. Check out the gallery.